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Nov 7, 2023
Thanksgiving Tails: Cultivating Gratitude with Your Canine Companion
Thanksgiving Tails: Cultivating Gratitude with Your Canine Companion As the calendar flips to November and the aroma of pumpkin pie fills...

K-9 Culture
Dec 17, 2021
How to Get Your Dog to Stop Barking
It can be extremely frustrating to have a dog that always barks. Luckily, our tips here will teach you how to get your dog to stop...

K-9 Culture
Nov 30, 2020
Socialize Your Dog and Puppy
If you got a puppy or dog during COVID you may be wondering how to help socialize them. During the pandemic it is even more important to...

Oct 28, 2020
Help Your Dog Understand Commands
Repetition Creates Understanding, this is something we repeat often when training with dogs at K9 Culture in the Dallas Metroplex. How...

Oct 18, 2020
Yelling At Your Dog Does Not Work
We have all seen it. Someone yelling over and over at their dog to get them to come or get down or whatever the behavior they are trying...

Oct 18, 2020
We Create Most Issues We want to Fix in our Dog
As dog owners or leaders, we unintentionally create or cause most of the issues with our dog we later complain about or end up needing to...

Sep 14, 2020
Effective Dog Behavior Modification
Is your dog’s behavior driving you crazy? Perhaps the majority of the time they are a great dog but sometimes they react badly or suffer...

Sep 9, 2020
We’ve All Had That ONE Dog
We hear people comment many times that their last dog, or “a” dog they had was so easy to train that they really never trained it. The...

Sep 9, 2020
Dog’s Hyperactivity Driving You Crazy?
Dog’s and humans share many common traits. They can both be lazy, athletic, relaxed, anxious, fearful, and also overly energetic or...

Sep 6, 2020
Building Trust With Your Dog
Many people are confused with what trust means with your dog. Often, we tend to think of trust from the perspective that your dog trusts...

Sep 6, 2020
Saying "No" in Dog Training
As with virtually anything in life, humans can sometimes go to extremes. Dog trainers are no different and there are some dog training...

Sep 6, 2020
The “TCC” of Dog Training
The “TCC” of Dog Training and why it is so fundatmental in obedience training for your dog. When training dogs there are many areas that...

Sep 3, 2020
Importance of Good Dog Manners
Dog Manners are important for a happy relationship with your furry companion. Just like we want well behaved children when we go out, we...

K-9 Culture
Sep 1, 2020
Your Dog Doesn't Know
Dogs are not born knowing what to do and how to please you! It helps to remember that at one point, dogs were wild until humans...

K-9 Culture
Sep 1, 2020
Why Won't My Dog Listen?
Why Won’t My Dog Listen? We hear this from nearly everyone that has a dog and comes into our DFW Dog Training Facility. It is one of the...

K-9 Culture
Aug 10, 2020
Are You Being Unfair With Your Dog?
I like to joke that dogs are a lot like young children; but I am are serious. Having raised 6 children and trained dogs it is astonishing...

Jul 10, 2020
The K-9 Culture Philosophy
Welcome to K-9 Culture, where we Train Dogs and Teach Humans. We creating K-9 Culture to incorporate our Vision with our Mission: “A Dog...
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