As dog owners or leaders, we unintentionally create or cause most of the issues with our dog we later complain about or end up needing to “fix” with our dog. Dogs with bad behavior are not bad dogs. Their behaviors are learned.

It is important to remember, you are ALWAYS TRAINING your dog. Training is not an EVENT. They are always watching you and they are learning what you will tolerate, what you will allow and what you expect and what they are ALLOWED to do.
This point is important for dogs can be opportunistic. Like a toddler, they will do what are permitted to do. A dog will naturally do what they believe they are allowed to do or can get away with doing. An untrained dog just does more of this behavior because they do not have a foundation and positive well-established routines to draw their decision-making process from.
Training is not a hat you put on when it suits you, but rather the clothes you wear every day. Reward good behavior from your dog whether you ask for it or not. Continuous feedback lets your dog know what it IS you like and do not like. Do not make your pup guess what to do for they cannot guess any better than humans.
Only doing occasional training with your dog, whether it be obedience training or behavior training is not fair, or fun, for you or your dog. Because of this, consistency is important in dog training for it reinforces routines and appropriate behaviors.
Dogs learn in pictures or context, so we want to create as much contrast in commands and complete them in as many different contexts as possible to help your dog truly respond the way you expect them to. Basically, train everywhere! In your house, the back yard, the front yard, a park, while you are walking and when you take them places. Our goal is to help the stop go from associating a command with a behavior to being able to Generalize that command. When a dog can generalize commands their consistency and dependability in obeying skyrocket in new environments.
Most people do not come to K9 Culture Dog Training here in the DFW area to teach a specific task to their dog. Instead they want to create a pattern of appropriate behaviors. We like to call it MANNERS.
Dogs with great manners starts with structure and consistency and limiting ambiguity. The more structure your dog has, the more Freedom you dog can enjoy and the more JOY they are to live with! It is our job as your dog trainer to teach your dog how to learn, lay a strong foundation of obedience commands, impulse control and focus and just as importantly, help you implement ways to create and instill structure in your everyday life with your dog.
We help dogs that have no manners or no sense of boundaries all the way up to dogs that are dog aggressive and human aggressive. Structure and routines and consistent communication are the core principles of the way we train our client’s dogs in the Dallas, Texas area.
If you are looking for a dog trainer near me, we encourage you to bring your pup in to our amazing dog training facility for a free evaluation with one of our certified dog trainers. Our evaluation will help our trainer get a feel for your dog’s temperament, personality, energy level, ability to focus around distractions and discuss your dog training goals you have for your pup. In addition, we like to know what your lifestyle is like with your dog for this enables us to customize our training with your dog, so it matches what you want to do with your dog.
K-9 Culture’s goal is the dogs we train can have a big life with a big world opened up to them, but only dog’s that are dependable in the public generally get to go out into the public with their families.
The K-9 Culture Family
A Dog That Is A JOY To Live With!