Don't be gone to the dogs! 72%-85% of dogs have at least one type of problem behavior. Yet most owners fail to notice these behaviors and get help for their dogs.
Dog obedience training can resolve most issues. All you need to do is know what the most common problems are and find appropriate training solutions.

What are some subtle signs of problem behaviors? When should you get help for your dog immediately? How can you help your dog develop good behaviors?
Answer these questions and you can have a happy and healthy relationship with your dog for years to come. Here are seven signs your dog needs dog obedience training.
1. Previous Traumatic Living Situations
Many dogs require obedience training after years of living with abusive owners. If you adopt a rescue dog, you should get dog obedience training for them soon after adopting them.
Signs of animal abuse include flinching, avoiding eye contact, and being afraid of strangers.
Take your dog to the veterinarian if they show these signs and then go to a trainer if you think they have been abused.
Talk to your children and the other people in the house about your dog. An abused dog that has received obedience training for dogs may still overreact if someone pulls on their tail or pets them too hard.
2. Aggression
Aggressive behavior includes growling at people, biting, and barking excessively. It is okay if your dog barks to get your attention or communicate with another dog. But if your dog keeps barking and scaring other people, you need to get them training.
A trainer can figure out why your dog is acting out. Many dogs growl or bite because they're anxious or they're trying to communicate with others. You can work with your dog to build trust and help them communicate in other ways.
3. Pulling on the Leash
When you take your dog for a walk, you may notice that they pull on the leash every once in a while. That's okay, especially if your dog is a little energetic or becomes excited about something.
However, excessive pulling on the leash can cause significant problems. If your dog pulls on the leash suddenly, you may lose your grip or fall over.
One of the most common dog obedience training benefits is that your dog learns how to walk on a leash. You can practice walking with a loose leash so you don't strain your arm or walk too fast. Teach your dog how to walk on a loose leash by going for short walks at first and playing games with them.
If your dog pulls on the leash, you should hold the leash firmly without pulling on it. Give a verbal command to your dog so they come back to you.
4. Refusing Basic Commands
Your dog may refuse your commands in a few different ways. Some dogs don't respond to commands at all. They may not even turn their head if they hear their name.
Other dogs respond to commands at home, but ignore their owners at the park or in another location. This can lead to attacks and excessive barking.
You may need to adjust your commands so your dog can understand better. "Sit" is clear than "stop moving" or "freeze." A therapist can give you dog obedience training tips on what to say and teach your dog how to respond to commands.
5. Chewing On Everything
Your dog should never chew on items that are not toys. Chewing on random objects suggests your dog doesn't know how to behave inside your house. It can also indicate that they are bored and needs stimulation.
A therapist can encourage your dog to stop chewing on things. If your dog gets bored, they can teach you how to entertain your dog. You may need to take them out for walks more often, or you may need to let them run around outside.
6. Resource Guarding
Your dog may get defensive when someone touches their toy or goes near where they sleep and sit. Many dogs have a natural instinct to protect their resources. But it is never okay for your dog to lunge or bite someone just because they went near their resources.
Some dogs will steal food or belongings so they can have more resources. This is never acceptable, and it can lead to attacks or damaged property. You should get a trainer as soon as this occurs once.
Your trainer can help your dog become less anxious when someone goes near their belongings. They can give you advice on where to put your food and belongings so your dog doesn't steal anything. You may need to put your things out of sight and on high shelves.
7. Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety may not be immediately apparent. But dogs that feel anxious when their owners leave them can bark excessively and bite property. If your neighbors report hearing your dog bark, or if you notice odd holes in your furniture, your dog may have anxiety.
A trainer needs to help your dog develop coping skills. Your dog should learn to chew on toys or go outside if they are feeling stressed out.
You should spend time with your dog, playing with them and going out on walks so they bond with you. You can help a fearful dog by using a calm voice to speak with them and petting them.
The Signs That Your Dog Needs Dog Obedience Training
You can start dog obedience training once you notice problems with your dog. You should take a rescue dog to your trainer as well as an aggressive, loud, or uncooperative dog. Watch out for property damage and staring, which can be signs of anxiety and resource guarding.
Your trainer should perform a comprehensive evaluation of your dog. You should then participate in therapies with them, teaching them how to walk on a loose leash and express themselves without being aggressive.
You don't have to go far for great dog trainers. K-9 Culture serves the Dallas area. Contact us today.
Helping Humans have a Dog that is a JOY to Live With!